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Visual Guide - Home Window

Home Window

Visual Guide for the Main Window of EmailPointer

A) Home Window

The main window of EmailPointer, it can be closed using the x button at the top right of the window.

B) EmailPointer Outlook Ribbon

When selected this tab displays buttons to connect to the EmailPointer website , hide/show the EmailPointer panel , update EmailPointer without needing to go through the settings menu , access Location Monitoring view/edit page in EmailPointer , and connect to the Online Help .

To search, enter text into the textbox on the left side of the search bar. There is also a clear search button, search selected button (this is the default functionality of the search), and a search global button which searches all Pointers and Folders within. Searching in selected will search within the selected folder only, it will not search the entire Pointer, the Pointer itself would need to be selected.

D) Pointer Display Area

The Pointer Display Area displays created Pointers, their folders and files, in alphabetical order, as well as Recent files. Pointer types can be determined via the icon type next to them denoting a Shared/Local Drive, SharePoint Site, Teams Site, or Documentum Server. To open a Pointer or a Folder within, click on the grey arrow next to their icon or the name of the Pointer or Folder. Files within Pointers will have the same icons as how they would be displayed in Windows File Explorer.

D1) Pointer Context Menu

The Pointer Context Menu appears when right-clicking on a Pointer name. This allows you to:

   Open the Location the Pointer is referencing in the default program that Location would open it in. For example, a Shared Drive Pointer would open in Windows Explorer, while a SharePoint Pointer would open in a web browser window.

   Share the Pointer Profile Configuration.

    Create a New Folder or File from a template within the selected Pointer.

   Scan a physical document into the selected Pointer.

   Search within the selected Pointer.

   Edit the Pointer Profile.

   Open the EmailPointer Online Help.

D2) Folder Context Menu

The Folder Context Menu appears when right-clicking on a Folder name. This allows you to:

   Open the Folder location as if it were being opened from the Pointer Location. For example, a Shared Drive Folder would be opened in Windows Explorer, while a SharePoint Folder would be opened in SharePoint in a web browser window.

    Create a New Folder or File within the selected Folder from saved templates.

    Scan physical documents which will be saved in the selected Folder.

    Search within the selected Folder.

   Generate a new email with the name of the Folder as the subject and a link to the Folder in the body of the email. Multiple Folders may be added this way by selecting them all, then right-clicking on one of them to open the context menu and selecting the Email Link option. The subject line will read “File Share” instead of the individual Folder names.

    View the Properties and Metadata of the Folder. This will be opened within the EmailPointer Window.

    Rename the Folder, this will also save the new name in the Pointer Location.

    Delete the Folder, this will also delete the Folder from the Pointer Location as well as any Files or Folders it contains.

    Open the EmailPointer Online Help.

D3) File Context Menu

The File Context Menu appears when right-clicking on a File name. This allows you to:

    Open the File as if it were being opened from the Pointer Location. For example, a Shared Drive Pointer will open a .docx file in the Desktop version of Microsoft Word, while a SharePoint Pointer will open it in the web version of Microsoft word.

    Generate a new email with the name of the File as the subject and the file attached. Multiple Files may be added to a new email this way by selecting them all at the same time, then right-clicking to open the context menu and selecting the Email File option. The subject line will read “File Share” instead of the individual File names. Additional files may be added by dragging them into the email where they will be added as attachments.

    Generate a new email with the name of the File as the subject and a link to the File in the body of the email. Multiple Files may be added as a link this way by selecting multiple Files and then opening the abbreviated context menu to select the Email Link option. The subject line will read “File Share” instead of the individual File names.

    View the Properties and Metadata of the selected File, this will be opened within the EmailPointer Window.

    Add the File as a Template to quickly add new Files to Pointers and Folders.

    Rename the File, this will also save the new name in the Pointer Location.

    Delete the File, this will also delete the File in the Pointer Location.

   Open the EmailPointer Online Help to the related article.

E) Functions and Settings Menu

The Functions contained in this area are:

   Refresh, this refreshes the Main Email Pointer Window, this will reconnect each Pointer with its’ location, searching for new Folders and Files

   Scan, this will allow you to scan a physical document in to EmailPointer and be added to a Pointer or a Folder within one.

   Add New Pointer, this will open the Profile Editor within EmailPointer to add a new Pointer.

E1) Settings Menu

The Settings Menu appears when left-clicking the Settings button . This allows you to:

   Update EmailPointer, this opens the EmailPointer Version window and allows the selection of the preferred version for use, as well as to view the patch notes for that version. The Settings button will change from to when there is a new update for EmailPointer.

    Open the Login Manager, which displays any saved Login Credentials in EmailPointer.

   Open the Property Alias Manager, which allows the creation and editing of Property Aliases.

    Open the Location Monitoring Manager, which displays and allows editing of Monitored Locations.

    Open the Log, a record of events recorded by EmailPointer, such as errors and notifications.

    Disconnect, this will disconnect your copy of Outlook and your computer from your EmailPointer Account. To re-access your account on that computer and copy of Outlook it must be re-authorized with a new confirmation email sent by EmailPointer from the Authorization Screen in EmailPointer.

    Opens the EmailPointer Online Help.

E1.1) Update
1) Current Version

Displays the current version of EmailPointer installed.

2) Version Selector

Dropdown containing list of available Email Pointer versions/updates. The default selected item is the most current version available for use.

3) Begin Update Button

Button to begin update (or switch to older version). A restart of Outlook will be required after download and install.

4) Close Updater

Closes the Update Window.

5) Patch Notes

Contains detailed information about fixes, changes, and new features, underneath the release date and main version number. For example, all patch notes for 7.5.0.x will be under the same heading e.g.,, … ,; with the most recent updates at the top.

Customer Support

If this resource does not help solve your issue, or you would like more information, please feel free to contact us at: support@westernim.com